
Welcome Jason to RTA

Enter Jason! Let’s welcome him to our Royal Tiger Family! Martial arts teaches us to be disciplined with our mind and body. Most importantly, “To be a martial artist means to be an artist of life”. To understand and demonstrate this, Jason is on his way. He has the potential to become a great martial artist! đź‘Š

“Love this place. Great teacher, great environment. They treat you like family from day one. I’m always excited for the next class. I highly recommend joining!”

Happy New Year 2022

From the RTA family to yours, Happy New Year!! We appreciate our RTA family. We’re humbled and honored to be part of your martial arts journey. This is the year of the TIGER, OUR YEAR, and one that promises METAMORPHOSIS. Embracing these significant changes will help you reach your goals! We thank you for your support and look forward to the bright future ahead! Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2022!!

Good Karma

We are humbly blessed with the greatest students and parents in our community. An awesome surprise by Sofia and her family, to think of us in making our own RTA candle. They noticed how much we love candles, especially white ones…. and surprised us with this thoughtful gift. We appreciate your family, and all of our RTA family. 

Our belief is creating GOOD KARMA. The law of connection states that everything and every person is connected in some way. The fact is, what goes around really does come around in all aspects of our lives — including business. What you put out, you get back. Practice good KARMA on a daily basis: Generosity, Fairness, Respect, Empathy, and Positive vibrations.

MMA Self Defense

Now that things are heading back closer to normal. We are conducting live classes. Are you or child ready to learn mixed martial arts for self defense and fitness? Are you tired? Are you ready to live again? Are you scared? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you need to come try out our academy.  We teach practical martial arts and is a fun and safe environment for the whole family. Come visit us and see why everyone is training at Royal Tiger Academy. 

Kids Need Martial Arts

Kids Need Martial Arts


Parents, do you find yourself saying this more often than expected???? 
You’re NOT ALONE. Listening is one of the most common behavioral problems in adolescents.

If your child refuses to do what they’re told, doesn’t care about consequences, and just don’t take you seriously, we’re here to help!

We at Royal Tiger Academy have instructors who work with kids to correct behavioral problems and make your life as a parent easier!

Give your child the skill set to stay SAFE & CONFIDENT in all situations with our Little Tigers Self Defense Class 💪👍👊

Our instructors will teach your child how to approach and remove themselves from uncomfortable or potentially harmful situations.

Kids that train in our program become more disciplined, better focus, gain confidence, get fit, make new friends, and have fun will training mixed martial arts. 

Visit us at Royaltigeracademy.com to set up your free trial. We are located in Damascus and service surrounding cites like Clarksburg, Gaithersburg, Rockville, Fredrick, Mt. Airy, and Monrovia.

kids martial arts

Summer Camp

martial arts summer camp karate

Looking for a fun summer camp that will teach your children valuable martial arts skills while they enjoy a safe, encouraging atmosphere? 

Our martial arts summer camps offer an action-packed combination of martial arts instruction, character building life-skills, self-defense, fitness, and fun.

Our staff is committed to making sure your child has a fun and safe summer with us while learning the most effective martial arts available.

If you have a child age between the ages of 5 and 13 year old, then get him or her involved in our Martial Arts Summer Camp.

Your child will gain  confidence, discipline, respect for others and learn life skills that will help shape him or her into a stronger adult.

 Our team knows that every child is an individual who has his or her own pace of learning and physical development.

Parents are welcome to visit and observe our kids’ summer camps — we look forward to getting to know all of you!

Our camp will:

  • Increase your child’s self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Improve your child’s focus and self-discipline, leading to better behavior and better grades
  • Provide your child with the skills and self-confidence to stand up to bullies and to avoid peer pressure
  • Improve your child’s fitness level and athletic ability, while providing a constructive outlet for their youthful energy
  • Provide your child with valuable, battle tested, real-world self-defense skills
  • Build life skills that your child will have for the rest of their life

Holiday Camps and Teacher Work Days

We also have different camps throughout the year. When school is out, we are in! 

Our Kids live the adventure!  From martial arts training at all levels, weapons, Character, Life Skills, Games, Traditional Play Time, Stranger Identification and Awareness and so much more! 

The only bored you’ll hear about is the board they get to break!  

Contact us now about our camps. 
